Sunday, October 5, 2014

Clean Eating in Action

In order to keep your metabolism burning, you should be eating six small meals a day. For me, this means my normal three meals plus a morning and afternoon snack. A typical day of meals for me looks something like this:

Breakfast - Shakeology….I always use one of the recipes in order to get the added benefit of fiber or protein. I find the recipes more filling.  
Before I did Shakeology, I would usually do a slice of whole wheat or Ezekial bread toast with an egg white on top OR a whole wheat wrap with 1 TBS natural peanut butter and ½ a banana sliced on it. Oatmeal has always been another option for me.

Snack – Midmorning I usually have a piece of fruit (apple, banana, 20 grapes, etc.) or a natural granola bar.

Lunch – Tuna on top of a salad OR a hardboiled egg with either carrot sticks and hummus or fruit OR  a whole wheat wrap with turkey and avocado. 

Snack – In the afternoon, I typically will have an apple with 2 TBS natural peanut butter or almond butter OR ¼ c almonds and dried cranberries mixed.

Dinner – This is usually a lean meat for me (chicken, pork or fish) along with one or two sides of veggies. I try to make my plate as colorful as possible. Since my family can be picky at times, I often make my meal beside theirs. For example, if they want chicken with a sauce or gravy, I make my chicken without and eat it with them. They don’t like sweet potatoes but I do and I know they pack a bigger nutritional punch than regular potatoes so even though I fix my family their potatoes, I eat sweet potatoes. One of my family's favorites is when I grill chicken and serve it over romaine lettuce with a homemade caesar dressing for a quick caesar salad. 

As a general rule, I try to never eat after 7:00.

SIMPLE. Keep your food simple. When you are eating clean, you don’t need to add a ton of ingredients to your dishes. Lean proteins and simple, whole foods….that is what it is all about!

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