Monday, September 29, 2014

What is Clean Eating?

The latest buzzword is clean eating, but do you know what that is? The term may be fairly new, but the concept isn't. Clean eating means focusing on whole, healthy, unprocessed foods. If it comes from a plant, eat it. If it comes from a box, don't. I get asked a lot what this means. Following are some tips that I give people.

  • Choose whole, natural foods and eliminate or limit processed foods. I always advise people to shop the perimeter of the grocery store. I know it isn't always easy, especially with kids or picky eaters in your family, but if you work at it you can find things they will enjoy eating.
  • Choose unrefined over refined foods. This may not always be possible, but try to stick to whole grains and natural products. Beans are great for you. Stick to clean sugars...I use agave nectar, honey or maple syrup when I can. 
  • Include some protein, carbohydrate and fat (healthy fat) at every meal. I find that by eating clean, I am a lot more conscious about what I am putting into my body. Taste is not the sole factor driving my nutrition decisions. I worry about whether I have eaten enough protein in a day or if I have had a good balance of foods in any given day.
  • Watch out for fat, salt and sugar. I never used to concern myself with these things. Now I do. Now I pay attention because I know that my body will not function as well if I am not paying attention. 
  • Eat your three balanced meals throughout the day, but include a morning and afternoon snack to keep your metabolism going. I always try to avoid eating after 7 p.m. as well since I won't be burning it off throughout the evening.
  • Don't drink your calories. I gave up pop several years ago and I always try to avoid drinking anything sugary or with artificial sweeteners. My three drinks of choice on a daily basis are water, iced tea and herbal tea...although I do use almond milk or coconut milk as well!
  • Get moving! Physical activity is a must and keeps you healthy on so many different levels. No underestimate the power of a walk, workout, or any other activity. I myself am not the most coordinated person, but I have found that I feel better if I am staying active.

Eating clean is a smart lifestyle choice...and it must be a lifestyle choice if you are going to be successful with it. Love yourself enough to care about what you are putting in your body!

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