Monday, September 29, 2014

What is Clean Eating?

The latest buzzword is clean eating, but do you know what that is? The term may be fairly new, but the concept isn't. Clean eating means focusing on whole, healthy, unprocessed foods. If it comes from a plant, eat it. If it comes from a box, don't. I get asked a lot what this means. Following are some tips that I give people.

  • Choose whole, natural foods and eliminate or limit processed foods. I always advise people to shop the perimeter of the grocery store. I know it isn't always easy, especially with kids or picky eaters in your family, but if you work at it you can find things they will enjoy eating.
  • Choose unrefined over refined foods. This may not always be possible, but try to stick to whole grains and natural products. Beans are great for you. Stick to clean sugars...I use agave nectar, honey or maple syrup when I can. 
  • Include some protein, carbohydrate and fat (healthy fat) at every meal. I find that by eating clean, I am a lot more conscious about what I am putting into my body. Taste is not the sole factor driving my nutrition decisions. I worry about whether I have eaten enough protein in a day or if I have had a good balance of foods in any given day.
  • Watch out for fat, salt and sugar. I never used to concern myself with these things. Now I do. Now I pay attention because I know that my body will not function as well if I am not paying attention. 
  • Eat your three balanced meals throughout the day, but include a morning and afternoon snack to keep your metabolism going. I always try to avoid eating after 7 p.m. as well since I won't be burning it off throughout the evening.
  • Don't drink your calories. I gave up pop several years ago and I always try to avoid drinking anything sugary or with artificial sweeteners. My three drinks of choice on a daily basis are water, iced tea and herbal tea...although I do use almond milk or coconut milk as well!
  • Get moving! Physical activity is a must and keeps you healthy on so many different levels. No underestimate the power of a walk, workout, or any other activity. I myself am not the most coordinated person, but I have found that I feel better if I am staying active.

Eating clean is a smart lifestyle choice...and it must be a lifestyle choice if you are going to be successful with it. Love yourself enough to care about what you are putting in your body!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sautéed Brussels Sprouts with Parmesan and Pine Nuts

Do you want a quick and easy side for dinner? Believe it or not, my kids love Brussels sprouts and they especially love this recipe! The best part about this is that Brussel sprouts are a powerhouse of nutrition. This dish is full of flavor, but low in calories. Enjoy!

1 1/2 TBS olive oil
1 1/2 pounds thinly sliced Brussels sprouts, trimmed and halved
1 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
1/4 cup red wine vinegar
1/4 cup Parmesan cheese shavings (I used shredded)
2 TBS pine nuts, toasted (if you are short on time, you can skip the toasting...the flavor will just be a bit different)

Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add Brussels sprouts, salt and pepper. Cook until sprouts are tender and golden (about six minutes), stirring occasionally. Remove pan from heat. Add vinegar. Toss well. Transfer the sprouts to a serving bowl. Top with Parmesan and pine nuts.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Let Me Introduce Myself...

I am a working mother of four beautiful girls, ranging in age from 18 to 14. Yes…I had them close together! Essentially I felt like I spent five years pregnant and after that devoted all of my time to being the best mom I knew how to be…and I loved EVERY moment of it! However when my oldest daughter was about to graduate, I suddenly felt like I had no identity of my own. I was depressed about how I looked in my clothes and how out of shape I was. The gym wasn’t in our budget and simple dieting wasn’t working anymore. My girls play travel softball and with all of the years of travel, I had really struggled with my weight and fitness. I had always put myself last. I knew that I needed to make a lifestyle change that wasn’t just a temporary fix.

I started walking with a friend in the summer of 2013. When the school year started, I began doing T25 with a group of my colleagues after school (I am a high school teacher). Eventually participation in that group began to fizzle so I started to look for another way to keep myself on track and accountable. A friend contacted me through Facebook about doing an online fitness challenge. I began with monthly free online fitness challenges and eventually did a 4 day clean eating challenge. I was hooked! The pounds gradually fell off and I started to feel stronger and better about myself. By February of 2014 I had lost 42 pounds!   

My clothes were loose (in fact, I had to go down four sizes!) and I had so much more energy. One of the biggest thrills for me was that I no longer needed to wear my orthotics….I could wear all of my cute shoes again! (I know…I am such a girl!)

I found that I loved clean eating and I loved the Shakeology I had been drinking when I did the clean eating challenge. After a lot of debate, I decided to become a coach. I wanted to do this for myself, to stay on track and accountable, but I also wanted to do this for my family, friends and others. I started with the 21 Day Fix and then moved on to P90X and PiYO. I found that each program allowed me to work on something new. It has been fun to change things up!

Even though I have reached my weight loss goal, I still work out 5-6 times a week and I now run my own free online fitness challenges on Facebook. I follow the 80/20 rule for eating clean and I drink my Shakeology every morning. I feel better than I ever have in my life.

If you are interested in learning more about how you can start your journey to getting fit, please contact me at or visit my site for additional information.

I would love to coach you to your weight loss goals and help you transform your life! You just have to say YES!

Peanut Butter Yogurt Dip

I don't know about you, but I LOVE peanut butter. One of my favorite snacks is natural peanut butter on apple slices. Another coach suggested this quick recipe and I thought that I would change things up and try it...and I am glad I did! 

1 small container vanilla Greek yogurt
1 tsp agave nectar (honestly...I just drizzled a little in the container!)
Mix it all together and enjoy with whatever you decide to dip in it!
Fast....easy....and my kids love it!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Family: On Board or Not?

This is a picture of my shopping cart when I grocery shop with my husband. Can you guess which items I placed in the cart and which items he placed in there? It is a constant struggle trying to get my picky eater to change his ways and eat healthy.

Do you force your family to eat healthy? It is much easier for you if they follow your lead. However, I don't do that. I feel that it is easier if I make healthy options available and let them make their own decisions. They won't truly live it if they don't make the choice to embrace it themselves. I am modeling it and am available as a resource. Hard as it is to buy them the food they want sometimes, I do it because I will not force my views on them.

Of course, this means more work for me. I offer options at dinner so that everyone can choose. For instance, when I make spaghetti I always have both whole wheat noodles and zucchini noodles available. This really involves just one more dish so it is not that much work. I also offer lots of options when I do things like chicken fajitas....lots of veggies, etc. Eating clean is eating simple for the most part so inconvenience can never be an excuse. If you want it, you can do it. 

I am winning them over....slowly but surely. There is no better music to my ears than when my daughters ask me to cook veggies for dinner or better yet, when they complain that one of the other ones ate the last of something healthy. A clean eating lifestyle is for the long haul and there will be bumps in the road. Getting your family on board may be one of those bumps in the road, but stay on course. It is worth the trip!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Clean Eating German Cabbage Soup

My two oldest girls love cabbage...and I mean they REALLY love cabbage. I am always on a quest to find new ways to fix it, healthy ways, rather than just steaming it. With the fall weather in Michigan closing in on us, I began a search for a quick soup recipe the other that I hoped would be easy, fast and filling. I found this clean eating recipe and thought it fit the bill. My daughters thought so too! The picture doesn't look nearly as good as it tastes...and it tastes better the next day. Enjoy!

  • 1 head of Napa or regular green cabbage (either one works)
  • 1 pound lean ground turkey, bison or beef
  • 4 tablespoons caraway seed (+ 2 more for the meat balls)
  • 8 cups vegetable or chicken broth (I usually use chicken broth)
  • 4 egg whites or 2 whole eggs (I usually use whole eggs)
  • 1 red onion – chopped
  • 4 cups distilled water (plus extra if needed)
  • 2 medium russet potatoes – chopped small. (optional)
  • Salt and pepper to taste

  • Directions:

    1. In a large pot, set your broth and water to boil.
    2. Chop your cabbage and set aside.
    3. In a large mixing bowl, mix your turkey meat, onion, eggs and 1/2 of your caraway seed (1/4 jar).
    4. Roll small (walnut size) amounts of turkey into balls and drop into boiling water.
    5. If using potatoes, add to pot.
    6. Add your remaining caraway seed to the boiling water as well.
    7. Top off with cabbage, and cover. Return pot to a full boil, and reduce heat just enough to keep it from boiling over.
    8. When the meatballs are cooked through and the cabbage is soft, it’s done. Add salt and pepper to taste.