Friday, December 11, 2015

Plan Your Strategy

Turkey dinner with all the fixings? That is what was on the menu today for lunch at the school where I teach. I love a big turkey dinner but....would that get me to my goals? The problem is...there was pie in that line, people! PIE!

I knew ahead of time that the turkey dinner was looming and so I carefully planned my strategy. First, I packed foods that I fact, that I that I would not be tempted, or at least not quite as tempted as I normally would be. Second, I made sure that I was busy in my classroom during the entire lunch period. I found work and reading to occupy myself with so that I would take my mind off the pie in that lunch line.

Planning ahead saves me nine times out of ten from making bad decisions. I used to eat out every day. When you fall into traps like that, it is habit. Make planning ahead a habit instead. :)


  1. Paula! I love your blog and its design. Love, love, love the recipes in the side bar! I've followed you!

  2. Paula! I love your blog and its design. Love, love, love the recipes in the side bar! I've followed you!
