What are YOUR six roles?
Thinking about my six roles in life is something that I
learned as a Beachbody coach. If you are a working mom like me, there are
probably dozens of things pulling you in different directions. If you spread yourself
too thin, you can’t do a great job at anything. That’s where your six roles
come into play.
Think about all of your roles in life. Then think about
which ones are your top six. Only six! For me it was really tough to narrow it
down, but it finally came down to mother, wife, fitness coach, teacher,
daughter and sister. These are the roles that are most important to me and the
ones that should lay claim to most of my attention and energy. You cannot be
all things….and you shouldn’t even try.
Once upon a time, I did try. I tried to do it all and I
burned myself out. I did it for a long time and eventually found myself heading
down the slippery road of depression because somewhere along the way I had lost
myself. Don’t let that happen to you. That was a turning point for me and I
came out of it a better person. I learned that in order to take care of others,
I had to take care of myself and learn to say no. It’s not selfish. It’s
The percentage of working mothers has increased by 800%
since 1860. More and more of us
are working outside of the home and need to find a way to balance it all.
Limiting yourself to six roles will help you to achieve that balance. That
doesn’t mean that because friend isn’t listed in my six roles I can’t be a
friend to anyone. It just means that the other six roles are my top priority.
Those are the roles that I will focus on and pour my energy into.
And those roles may change….just as I may change along the
Hopefully you will too. Life is a journey…hang on for the
I am participating in a linky where I have joined with other bloggers this month to write about the topic of balance. If you would like to read more about balance, go to my friend's blog at http://mossyoakmusings.blogspot.com/2016/01/throwing-my-heart-over-bars-teacher.html
LOVE the honesty of your post!