Monday, January 11, 2016

What About YOU?

Take time to focus on YOU.

Your journey and YOU matter.
Making the choice to focus on you is HARD. As a mom (or even a single person), you can be filled with many emotions.
ü Am I being selfish?
ü What if I give up and it was a waste of time?
ü I CANNOT do this. I always gave up before and I will give up again.
ü That money is should be used for ____ instead of on me.
ü My kids/significant other's needs should be put before mine.
I often call motherhood a journey of guilt and all of the above are the reasons why. When we are mothers, we put ourselves last.

It isn’t only true of mothers. Fathers or people without children often bow to many of the same pressures and concerns. I truly believe that while we have been so concerned about RAISING an egocentric generation focused solely on their own self-satisfaction, somewhere along the way we have thrown out self-care. We have driven home the notion that putting yourself first is selfish. Period.

But, when you make a choice to focus on YOU, your whole life changes for the better. You have more energy and you are happier. You enjoy and look forward to that little bit of time for yourself. Exercise has been proven to release endorphins that really do make you happier…and who wouldn’t want that?

I was BAD about making time for myself. I wanted so badly to be a mother…and not JUST a mother, but the very best mom I could be…that I made that my sole mission in life. I lived for my kids. I threw elaborate birthday parties and planned out every detail.

The reason why so many of us coaches proudly talk about how happy we are and how our lives have changed, is not for a sale. It's because we think EVERY person DESERVES to feel this way.

YOU. ARE. WORTH. IT. Make the change today!

*This month I am collaborating with a fellow blogger on the topic of balance. If you would like to read more on the topic of balance, check out my friend's blog at